Today I’d like to speak about the nuit de l’info (night of informatic) competition.

Every year there’s a competition famous for French “geek”. It has many famous sponsor like Microsoft, Oracle, Mozilla, SAP…
Here’s how it works:

  • You have several challenges by different sponsors.
  • You subscribe to the challenges you want to compete in.
  • You learn about the differents challenge during the evening.
  • You have all the night to develop your applications.
  • The next day you have the results.
  • Every winner of every challenge get a prize.

This year  the event occured during the night of the 2 of december. Our Team (FITA) did compete in 4 challenges. I’m happy to announce that we won 2 challenges (one of them sponsorised by Microsoft itself !). Both challenge were to develop a windows phone 7 application.
Moreover, I’d like to point out that at the beginning of the night nobody in the team had ever done a wp7 application !

I’d like to thanks every member of the Fita team but also the nuit de l’info staff for their very good job !