Marc Ferradou

Marc Ferradou

My name is Marc Ferradou. I'm born in Toulouse, France the 13 January 1987. I am a recent graduate from a master's program in networking and multimedia at Polytech' Grenoble engineering school in France.

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Posts by Marc Ferradou

Once upon a time


I’m writing this news to inform everyone that I’m not dead. I’ve been doing my internship in the State University of New Paltz.
Here is a quick summary of what I’ve been doing there:

I did my placement at the State University of New York in New Paltz in  the Computer Science Department and was supervised by Andrew Pletch, an Assistant Professor.
The topic was about the adaptation of an existing distributed computing framework written in Java for the LAN environment,  to make it useable with Android phones.
A second topic used the Android phone to monitor a diabetic patient and deliver readings to a web portal.
Consequently, my internship integrated both topics.
The development of the medical software has been done in six main phases: knowledge of the client need , general conception of the application, user interface specification, interface execution, conception and execution of the database and integration testing. Andrew Pletch and another researcher has also worked on the project.
The medical software should be ready at the beginning of October.
The framework application has been done in four main phases: knowledge of the already existing framework, conception of the upgrade necessary in order to adapt the framework to the mobile environment, followed by development and testing.
Prof Pletch’s student will end the development of this framework and use it in the next semester.
This exciting internship allowed me to learn how to program on Android.  I also learned a great deal about mobile networking communication and it gave me ample contact with the business world.

Consequently, I’ve learnt some usefull android trick and I’ll post some here.

A propos du projet

Week-end FUTU : Inventez la ville 2.0 !

Opération FUTUVous avez entre 18 et 25 ans et vous vous intéressez au rôle des nouvelles technologies dans le futur ? Participez au concours vidéo 48h chrono et imaginez les usages des objets communicants pour la ville de demain. Les lauréats verront leur production présentée lors d’un débat public à Paris et dans une exposition, à Grenoble, en 2010.

 Votre mission pendant le week-end FUTU :  concevoir et fabriquer un clip vidéo sur le rôle des nouvelles technologies dans le futur, en 48 h chrono, avec l’aide d’experts scientifiques, urbanistes et sociologues.

Pour cela, constituer une équipe de 3 personnes, tous âgés entre 18 à 25 ans, et dont au moins un membre est capable de réaliser des vidéos.
A l’issue du week-end, un jury sélectionnera 3 clips vidéos pour présentation en débat public à la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, à Paris en mars 2010, et à l’exposition “Futurs en kit“, à Grenoble, en octobre 2010.

L’INRIA et les équipes de recherche WAM, D-NET, PLANETE et LICIT et le service SED (Expérimentations et développement) sont partenaires de cette opération.



Schedule the shutdown of your system

The software Gshutdown

The software GShutdown

Have you ever been waking up by your computer during night because you fell asleep during your movie ? Are you tired to have to stand up at the end of your movie because otherwise your computer won't shutdown ?

If like me it’s the case you’ll love this tutorial ! :-).

In this article I’ll explain to you how to install and configure GShutdown.
What is GShutdown ?

GShutdown is an advanced shutdown utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or the restart of your computer, or logout your actual session.

source: Official GShutdown website

How to install it ?

Click here.
Or if this is not working open a console and type:

 sudo aptitude install gshutdown

How to configure it ?

Using the software like this won’t work ! It will only log out and not shutdown the computer.

What you have to do is go to the edit menu => favorite. Click on custom command => shutdown and type:

 gnome-session-save –shutdown-dialog

Did you know ?

You can do everything with your console !

If you want the system to be log off and power off the pc lets say at 23.15h, use this command:

 sudo shutdown 23:15 -P

Or in 6 hours (360 minutes) use this command:

 sudo shutdown +360 -P

To cancel the shutdown:

 sudo shutdown -c

If you do have any problem or question, feel free to ask !

Bienvenu sur mon Blog

Bienvenu sur mon Blog. J’espère que vous allez passez un bon moment avec moi. 🙂

N’hésitez pas à mettre des commentaires !

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